Disfruta San Agustín | Agencia de Viajes
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Sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism is an industry committed to making a low impact on the local environment and culture, while contributing to generate income and employment for the local population. "Tourism is currently one of the fastest growing business sectors in the world, so much so that in many countries it has become one of the main drivers of development. However, as well as being potentially beneficial.

Damages if it is not handled properly, since it can affect the wealth of the natural and cultural heritage of any country, understanding the heritage as "the set of movable property, real estate, and cultural manifestations that synthesize and manifest the history and the identity of a nation ", For that reason Enjoy San Agustín is in the process of implementing the Technical Standard NTS - TS 003 - Sustainability Requirements to join the sustainable change without leaving aside the legal and regulatory commitments of the country.

That's why we have


In compliance with law 679 of 2001 and resolution 3840 of 2009, Enjoy San Agustín, it accepts the code of conduct in order to protect minors from sexual exploitation. In order to comply with the above, we have defined the following guidelines:

     All our activities and operations, reject any kind of sexual exploitation of children.

     We reject child labor exploitation

     We reject race or gender discrimination.

     The agency's employees will not promote establishments where minors are directly or indirectly exposed to the sex trade.

     We will communicate in a timely manner to the local police and / or competent authorities, cases of sexual intercourse with minors that are perceived or detected and to the providers that develop practices related to this aspect.

     We will market our products without misleading advertising and without involving undue practices with children or adolescents.

     We will educate and inform the public that the sexual exploitation of minors is a crime.

     We condemn all forms of sexual exploitation with children and support all legal actions to prevent and punish these crimes

     We urge clients, providers and other agencies to reject participation in the sexual exploitation of minors and to report on all cases of sexual exploitation of children of whom they are aware



In Disfruta San Agustín we seek the integration of the values ​​and principles associated with sustainable development in our business processes and in the relationship with all our stakeholders. We believe that sustainability is the key element that will allow tourism to remain the engine of the economy of our municipality


    We are committed to the conservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the communities in which we operate.

    We will be fully involved in the local area, integrating the cultural, gastronomic and artistic elements of each destination, respecting and defending our historic heritage.

    And we will be a dynamic element of the autochthonous protecting its roots and seeking the complicity of our clients in the discovery and conservation of the cultural wealth of their destination.

This is our Sustainable Development Policy. The sum of all these commitments is what will allow our sector and our activity to generate opportunities and work for people and people, listening to and approaching our stakeholders, protecting the environment and natural resources, Bringing value to make minor the social differences of the globalized world and preserving cultural diversity and cultural heritage.


     Comply with the policy of quality and customer service

     Disclose to our stakeholders good sustainability practices

     Promote the purchase of products manufactured in the country

     Comply with all applicable Colombian legislation.


Our Travel Agency Operator committed to the sustainable development of the tourism sector, focuses its actions to:

1.  To promote the socio-economic development of the region.

2.  The conservation of the environment through the rational use of natural resources. (Online Agency)

3.  The preservation of the Colombian cultural heritage

4.  The prevention of child sex tourism

Applying Colombian legislation and training our employees, suppliers, communities and clients. Ensuring the productivity and profitability of the organization.

Be a Responsible Traveler
 Responsible behavior tips

Trafficking in Persons

Overall, 55-60% of the victims of trafficking in persons are women, while 27% are minors, two-thirds of whom are girls. *




What can you do?

If you think that someone is being forced to work against their will or is being mistreated or if you simply see something that you think is not right in a bar, hotel or restaurant, report it. Your actions may be essential to prevent sexual exploitation and forced labor. Children are especially vulnerable: Do not let child abuse travel.


Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Flora and fauna

The killing of wild animals is having a devastating impact and some species are facing the real possibility of extinction. Elephants, rhinos and tigers are three of the largest threatened species.




What can you do?

Think twice before buying or consuming something made from an exotic tree, plant or animal, because you may be contributing to its extinction or exploitation. Before traveling, find out about exotic local dishes that may contain illegal products. Do not forget that many countries, perhaps also yours, impose sanctions on traffickers with protected wild animals, exotic plants or timber products of threatened species.


Transnational organized crime. Crime against the environment: illicit trade in wild species and timber, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Cultural objects

The turnover of cultural goods of legal and illicit origin amounted to approximately 40,000 million US dollars. In 1993. This figure has increased to about 60,000 million dollars, a 50% increase in ten years *. Illicit trafficking alone is valued at $ 7 billion a year, often involving organized criminal groups and criminal networks



What can you do?

Make sure the souvenirs you bring home have a documented and legal history, other than stolen items and have export permits. Ask for the origin of what you are buying and always think of the wealth of history and heritage of your own country and how you would feel if you were taken away.

The 1970 UNESCO Convention. Its new challenges, edited by Jorge A. Sánchez Cordero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2013. Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO.

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